

The series revolves around the murder of Tariq, pointing fingers at his family and friends. Until events reveal the real killer, Here we discover the real motives behind this crime.

Year of production:
Country of origin:
TV shows creator:
Assad Fouladkar
Episode 1

1. Episode 1

The series revolves around the murder of Tariq, pointing fingers at his family and friends. Until events reveal the real killer, Here we discover the real motives behind this crime.

Episode 2

2. Episode 2

The series revolves around the murder of Tariq, pointing fingers at his family and friends. Until events reveal the real killer, Here we discover the real motives behind this crime.

Episode 3

3. Episode 3

The series revolves around the murder of Tariq, pointing fingers at his family and friends. Until events reveal the real killer, Here we discover the real motives behind this crime.

Episode 4

4. Episode 4

The series revolves around the murder of Tariq, pointing fingers at his family and friends. Until events reveal the real killer, Here we discover the real motives behind this crime.

Episode 5

5. Episode 5

The series revolves around the murder of Tariq, pointing fingers at his family and friends. Until events reveal the real killer, Here we discover the real motives behind this crime.

Episode 6

6. Episode 6

The series revolves around the murder of Tariq, pointing fingers at his family and friends. Until events reveal the real killer, Here we discover the real motives behind this crime.