

The comedy cartoon series "Fulaneya" follows the story of the young hero "Foly", who lives with his father "Fulan", mother "Fulana", and friend "Falafel". The series also features the teacher "Heirati" and the coffee boy "Madshoush". The show presents a series of amusing events and situations as Foly and his friends imitate cinema heroes, including Foly's impersonation of "Fuller Man", which leads to his capture by a person named "Folaku"

Year of production:
Country of origin:
TV shows creator:
Episode 1

1. Episode 1

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 2

2. Episode 2

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 3

3. Episode 3

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 4

4. Episode 4

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 5

5. Episode 5

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 6

6. Episode 6

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 7

7. Episode 7

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 8

8. Episode 8

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 9

9. Episode 9

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 10

10. Episode 10

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 11

11. Episode 11

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 12

12. Episode 12

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 13

13. Episode 13

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 14

14. Episode 14

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 15

15. Episode 15

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 16

16. Episode 16

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 17

17. Episode 17

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 18

18. Episode 18

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 19

19. Episode 19

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 20

20. Episode 20

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 21

21. Episode 21

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 22

22. Episode 22

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 23

23. Episode 23

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 24

24. Episode 24

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 25

25. Episode 25

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 26

26. Episode 26

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 27

27. Episode 27

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 28

28. Episode 28

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 29

29. Episode 29

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.

Episode 30

30. Episode 30

"Fulaneya" is a funny cartoon series about young hero Foly, living with his family and friends. They imitate cinema heroes, but Foly's stunt backfires.