

Comedy series which chronicles the lives of a pompous psychiatrist turned radio show host, Dr. Frasier Crane, his brazen producer Roz, his competitive, high-brow brother Niles, their crotchety father Martin and his quirky live-in nurse Daphne. FRASIER blends brilliant characters, sophisticated and witty word-play as well as hilarious physical comedy, proving that laughter is the best therapy.

Year of production:
Country of origin:
United States
TV shows creator:
David Angell
The Good Son (Pilot)

1. The Good Son (Pilot)

Psychiatrist Frasier Crane returns to his hometown of Seattle to host a radio talk show, but soon discovers he could use a shrink himself when his disabled father moves in.

Space Quest

2. Space Quest

Still adjusting to his new home life with Martin, Daphne, and Eddie, Frasier spends a day searching for a quiet place to read his book alone.

Dinner At Eight

3. Dinner At Eight

Frasier and Niles's plan to "improve" their father's tastes by taking him to a fancy restaurant rebounds on them when he takes them to his favorite place, a rustic steakhouse.

I Hate Frasier Crane

4. I Hate Frasier Crane

Frasier gets drawn into a war of words with columnist Derek Mann, leading to Mann challenging Frasier to a fight.

Here's Looking At You

5. Here's Looking At You

Frasier buys Martin a telescope as a gift, leading to a long-distance relationship with a woman named Irene.

The Crucible

6. The Crucible

Frasier throws a cocktail party to exhibit a new painting he has bought, but is humiliated when the artist shows up and declares it a forgery.

Call Me Irresponsible

7. Call Me Irresponsible

After Frasier advises an unfaithful man to break off with his girlfriend, the girlfriend herself angrily confronts Frasier at the station.

Beloved Infidel

8. Beloved Infidel

After seeing an emotional meeting between Martin and an old family friend, Frasier and Niles begin to suspect that their father had an affair when they were boys.

Selling Out

9. Selling Out

Frasier signs with Bulldog Briscoe's agent, Bebe Glaser, who convinces him to do commercial endorsements.


10. Oops

Frasier hears an office rumor that Bulldog is going to be fired; while he is repeating it to someone, Bulldog overhears, flies off the handle and quits his job, insulting the station manager.

Death Becomes Him

11. Death Becomes Him

Frasier becomes obsessed with his own mortality after a doctor his own age dies of a sudden heart attack.

Miracle On Third Or Fourth Street

12. Miracle On Third Or Fourth Street

Frasier is looking forward to his first visit from Frederick in time for Christmas, but when the visit is canceled, Frasier takes out his disappointment on his family.

Guess Who's Coming To Breakfast?

13. Guess Who's Coming To Breakfast?

Frasier is surprised and flustered when a neighbor spends the night with Martin, and quickly makes a fool of himself talking about it over the air.

Can't Buy Me Love

14. Can't Buy Me Love

Frasier and Bulldog participate in a bachelor auction to benefit Martin's police association.

You Can't Tell A Crook By His Cover

15. You Can't Tell A Crook By His Cover

When Roz gets scammed by a con artist, Frasier boasts that he's too smart for such tricks.

The Show Where Lilith Comes Back

16. The Show Where Lilith Comes Back

Lilith visits Frasier in Seattle, wondering if there's any chance of reconciliation.

A Midwinter Night's Dream

17. A Midwinter Night's Dream

Worried that Niles's infatuation with Daphne is getting out of control, Frasier suggests that he try spicing up his sex life with Maris.

And The Whimper Is

18. And The Whimper Is

Frasier and Roz are nominated for a Seattle Broadcasting (SeaBea) Award, and go to extreme lengths to influence the members of the committee.

Give Him The Chair

19. Give Him The Chair

Frasier gets rid of Martin's loathsome armchair, convincing himself that Martin will be happier with a vibrating leather recliner.


20. Fortysomething

Frasier becomes suddenly aware of his age, and so is not sure how to react when a young woman asks him out.

Travels With Martin

21. Travels With Martin

The Cranes and Daphne go on a road trip in a Winnebago, but a quick trip across the Canadian border causes certain complications.

Author Author

22. Author Author

Frasier and Niles try to collaborate on a book about sibling relationships.

Frasier Crane's Day Off

23. Frasier Crane's Day Off

Dr. Frasier Crane takes a much-needed day off from his radio psychiatry broadcast.

My Coffee With Niles

24. My Coffee With Niles

Frasier and Niles spend the entire episode in conversation at Cafe Nervosa.