House of Ho

House of Ho

It is comedy galore on this reality series that follows the lives of the Hos, a wealthy Vietnamese-American family who have achieved the American dream and built a multimillion-dollar empire, yet try to control the lives of their adult children.

Year of production:
Country of origin:
United States
Ho Sweet Home

1. Ho Sweet Home

At the Hos’ weekly post-church brunch, Judy announces that she has filed for divorce, much to the disapproval of Binh and Hue. Meanwhile, Judy’s brother Washington and his wife Lesley navigate marital issues of their own.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

2. Ho! Ho! Ho!

A private plane and some serious retail therapy prove no match for Judy’s mounting frustrations with the strict gender roles prescribed to her and Washington.

Ho Lotta Gossip

3. Ho Lotta Gossip

As Judy reluctantly accepts the keys to the house her father built for her, she feels the weight of her mother’s judgments about her divorce. Later, she reveals a secret that stuns her parents.


4. Ho-listic

Judy challenges her father to see her as an adult and accept her relationship with Dr. Nate. Washington turns to his mother for help when his attempt to win Lesley over with lavish gifts backfires.

Duck, Duck Ho

5. Duck, Duck Ho

A boys-only hunting trip offers a rare appearance by Binh’s youngest child Reagan, who isn’t afraid to speak his mind. Meanwhile, Lesley begs the Ho women for help with regards to her out-of-control husband.

New Year, New Ho

6. New Year, New Ho

Judy hosts a lively party at her house to celebrate Lunar New Year, but her parents ruin the mood. Meanwhile, Washington is forced to contemplate whether his loyalty is with his family or with his wife.

The Big Four-Ho!

7. The Big Four-Ho!

As Judy’s 40th birthday approaches, she invites her parents to meet her fiance on her terms. Meanwhile, Washington is rocked by shocking news from his father, and Dr. Nate drops a bomb that will change the Ho family forever.