

Set over seven years after the world has turned into a frozen wasteland, Snowpiercer focuses on the remaining fragments of humanity living aboard a constantly moving train, consisting of 1001 cars, that travels around the world. The series delves into themes of class struggle, social inequality, and the complexities of survival, creating a gripping narrative adapted from the graphic novel series and film by Oscar winner Bong Joon Ho (Parasite).

English [CC], Arabic
Year of production:
Country of origin:
United States
TV shows creator:
Graeme Manson
First, the Weather Changed

1. First, the Weather Changed

Snowpiercer, the great ark train, circles a frozen earth keeping humanity’s last survivors alive — until a murder onboard threatens the established order.

Prepare to Brace

2. Prepare to Brace

Layton investigates the murder while gathering intel for his revolution. Melanie faces a resource crisis that could impact everyone.

Access is Power

3. Access is Power

Layton descends into the black market, while Melanie stages a prize fight to defuse class tension.

Without Their Maker

4. Without Their Maker

A twist in the murder investigation brings Layton face to face with the murderer, and dangerously close to Melanie’s secret.

Justice Never Boarded

5. Justice Never Boarded

Tension between Third Class and First Class comes to a head at the trial of the Snowpiercer killer.

Trouble Comes Sideways

6. Trouble Comes Sideways

Layton lays track for revolution while Melanie faces an engineering emergency that threatens every soul on Snowpiercer.

The Universe is Indifferent

7. The Universe is Indifferent

Melanie intensifies her search for Layton as he plots to weaponize her secret.

These Are His Revolutions

8. These Are His Revolutions

Revolution has finally come. As Layton leads the lower classes forward in armed rebellion, Melanie’s house of cards collapses.

The Train Demanded Blood

9. The Train Demanded Blood

The rebel forces are on their heels when a dangerous foe joins them. A plan is hatched to take the train, but it may destroy them all.

994 Cars Long

10. 994 Cars Long

In the revolution’s aftermath, Layton and Melanie realize the greatest threat to their survival is right over their shoulder.